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The Centre for Sustainable Energy (SE) comprises two Units

Hydrogen Technologies and Resilient Energy Systems

Hydrogen is the fuel of the future. In the global transition to zero-emissions, the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier offers numerous opportunities for decarbonisation to a variety of sectors. We perform applied research on components and prototypes for hydrogen technology in the production, distribution, storage and end-use of hydrogen.  

Fuel Cells


Hydrogen Storage Systems

Hydrogen Distribution Systems

Heavy duty mobility

Heavy industrial sector

Battery and Electrification Technologies

The large scale deployment of renewable sources and electric vehicles requires efficient batteries for energy storage. Our research on battery systems includes the development of redox flow technology, innovative solutions for new battery technology, battery cell design and prototypes for multiple applications.

Redox Flow Batteries

Next Generation Battery Chemistries

Battery Cell Design

The Units share complementary expertise in the field of energy research.

Advanced Materials

Advanced materials will be the key enabling factor to obtain next generation technologies with improved performances and reduced costs, thus leveraging the recyclability while reducing the use of critical raw materials. We have deep knowledge on surface engineering, development of thin films and nanostructured materials through CVD, PVD, ALD, and processes supported by Plasma. Our knowledge includes catalysts, metals, metal oxides, metal hydrides, ceramics, TCOs.

Advanced Materials

Surface Engineering

Catalysts and Functional Materials

Plasma supported processes

Nanostructured thin layers

Decarbonisation and Sustainability

The clean energy transition demands innovative technology and sustainable business models to produce and consume energy. By using an holistic approach to energy systems, we conduct applied research to improve energy efficiency, innovate energy distribution and storage, and integrate renewable energies with sector coupling in urban districts, smart cities and energy communities. 

District Energy Systems

Energy Communities

Smart Cities

Smart Villages