Archive SE News - Year 2022/2021

DECEMBER 19, 2022

...Oxy era una splendida molecola di ossigeno, segretamente innamorata di Hydro [...]. Vedeva in lui un fascino misterioso ed era disposta a grandi imprese pur di conoscerlo... 

...Oxy was a stunning oxygen molecule, secretly in love with Hydro [...]. He had a mysterious charm and Oxy was willing to do everything to get to know him...

These are just few sentences from the tale entitled "Oxy, Hydro e il grande viaggio", taken from the collection of short stories RACCONTASCIENZA3, recently published by the Editorial Office of Fondazione Bruno Kessler

The tale focuses on renewable energies and hydrogen and the author is Chiara Curzel, PhD student at the Centre for Sustainable Energy.

Yesterday, 18th of December 2022, Chiara was at the Science Museum of Trento (MUSE) for the event Super vacanze al MUSE – Laboratori e attività per famiglie, where her tale has been read and animated by actors of the Teatro delle Quisquilie

Then, the researcher made some laboratories with the young participants. Initially, a puzzle was realised by the kids where several energy sources were reported while the researcher was explaining some notions to the kids. Finally, Chiara showed to some enthusiastic children how two models of hydrogen machines were working. 

Super vacanze al MUSE – Laboratori e attività per famiglie is series of three events for families where the youngest ones can explore the science, starting from the tales included in RACCONTASCIENZA3

More information at this link.

DECEMBER 6, 2022

Hydrogen: the future is already present in Trentino

This is the opening remark of the article of TGR Trento, the RAI Regional News programme, which interviewed Luigi Crema, the Director of the Centre for Sustainable Energy. 

The Director explains that at the Centre, "we take care of issues related to the development of energy communities, the development of decarbonisation in industrial and high-energy-use processes and, again, the conversion of mobility and territorial projects that speak of the use of local resources".

During the visit to the laboratories, numerous topics were touched from the ongoing projects and studies to the development perspectives of the Centre, which is rapidly growing. From 14 in 2020,  the collaborators are now 35 and will become 60 in 2025, when the Centre will have a new seat of 5000 square metres in Rovereto. 

See the complete interview at this link

NOVEMBER 28, 2022

​Today, Luigi Crema - Director of the Centre for Sustainable Energy of FBK and Hydrogen Europe

Research Board Member - will participate in the EU Hydrogen Policy Summit 2022.

The two-day event is promoted by the 2022 Energy Research Accelerator and the University of Birmingham, and sees the participation of several high-level speakers such as a representative from the Commissioner Simson Cabinet, representatives from DG RTD and key hydrogen stakeholders across the EU and UK.

What is the purpose of the Summit? Sharing knowledge and best practice on the changes needed to best utilise hydrogen to achieve decarbonisation.

Check out the agenda of the event! 

NOVEMBER 23, 2022

The Director of the Centre for Sustainable Energy, Luigi Crema, participated as panelist in the hydrogen webinar of EIT Manufacturing.

On November 22, Luigi Crema (Fondazione Bruno Kessler) gave to the network of EIT Manufacturing a policy perspective on the collaborations with Clean Hydrogen Alliance (CH2A) and Clean Hydrogen for Europe (CHE), IPCEI batteries and hydrogen, and national initiatives H2IT.

The panel was also composed of Aleksandrs Parfinovics (Naco Technologies) who talked about the full spectrum from nano-coating solutions, George Nomikos (Helbio S.A. Hydrogen & Energy production systems) that gave an industry perspective on hydrogen production systems, and Merkur Smajlaj (HydroSolid Gmbh) who focused on the challenges and future of hydrogen storage.

EIT Manufacturing is one of the Innovation Communities created by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, to achieve the mission of boosting innovation in Europe, creating growth and jobs, and creating the entrepreneurs of tomorrow. EIT Manufacturing is based on the "vision that global manufacturing will continue to be led by Europe, and contributing to make Europe and its manufacturing sector more competitive and sustainable". 

NOVEMBER 7, 2022

The event will take place on the 9th of November 2022 at Expo Key Energy, in Rimini. 

The Expo is an international reference point for the dissemination of renewable energy, through the showcase of technologies and innovative solutions and the numerous events and panels that can foster discussion. 

More information on the Conference agenda and speakers at this link. 

NOVEMBER 7, 2022

The event will take place on the 10th of November 2022 at the University of Trento and online. 

The conference has a dual purpose. On one side, it wishes to give an overview of the current hydrogen technologies, focusing on the potential but also on the uncertainties that are faced. 

On the other side, the event will outline the existing rules and strategies on a national, european and international level. 

More information on the event at this link. 

NOVEMBER 4, 2022

European Hydrogen Week 2022: Luigi Crema, Director of the Center for Sustainable Energy at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, moderated Session 12 of the B2B Forum and participated in the Closing session of the EU Research Days and Programme Review.

Have you ever considered the idea that waste can be a valuable resource? Have you ever imagined creating hydrogen from waste?

As introduced by Stefan Petters in Session 12 of the B2B Forum entitled "Waste to Hydrogen Production", waste is an available resource with a total H2 : Carbon ratio of ≥ 2 (alike CH ₄) that could support circularity and allow to produce crystalline Carbon for Batteries, Bipolar Plates, electrodes or light weight composites. Furthermore, waste can be refined at 3 fold the Carbon and 5 times Water Efficiency compared to Oil, grace to initially pointed out Hydrogen : Carbon Ratio. This can also help saving water, a fundamental resource which is becoming increasingly scares.

The panel explored the progresses made so far in the field of renewable hydrogen production, the potential to contribute to the target of 20MT of hydrogen by 2030 and the remaining barriers to reach full maturity of these technologies.

The discussion was moderated by Luigi Crema of Fondazione Bruno Kessler and saw the participation of Christian Bestien of Haffner energy, Danica Maljković of Indeloop, Nadia Romdhane of Green Hydrogen Technologies, Matti Malkamäki of HyClamite and Stefan Petters of guo.

Following the B2B Forum, Hydrogen Europe published its latest report entitled "Pyrolysis: Potential and possible applications of a climate friendly hydrogen production", in collaboration with the German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water (DVGW). The report is a comprehensive A to Z on pyrolysis and is filled with contributions and interviews with experts.
Read the report here:

On Friday 28 October, Luigi Crema represented Hydrogen Europe Research in the “Closing session and Key Take Aways” of the EU Research Days and Programme Review.

The European Hydrogen Week took place in Brussels from 24 to 28 October 2022, included an agenda rich of events, activities and panels.


More information on the event at this link.

OCTOBER 26, 2022

Every year, the international and non-profit association Hydrogen Europe Research organises a competition  that aims at rewarding and give visibility to the work of young researchers, who have personally contributed to a hydrogen-related project.

The initiative wishes to encourage the involvement of students and researchers in the Clean Hydrogen Partnership projects, and attract young talents to work in the field of hydrogen and fuel cells.

This year, the Award Cerimony took place in Brussels during the European Hydrogen Week, the biggest annual event dedicated to hydrogen.

Michele Bolognese received the Award in the field of Hydrogen production, one of the four pillars of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.

To read the article click here
To read the press release, click here

MAY 27, 2022

(v.l.) “This entity,” Crema explained, “is one of the three parts of the Clean Hydrogen partnership and provides support to identify priorities. It is the European Commission’s reference point for research and innovation and the development of the hydrogen supply chain and aims to put European research and industry at the forefront of global competition in renewable hydrogen production technologies. My role will be to support the development of the European Hydrogen Program, giving voice to the research and innovation needs of the production sector. We must maintain European leadership with the European companies in the sector, which are two-thirds of the top 10 positions in the world. I will be interacting with the Board, members of Hydrogen Europe Research and industry colleagues at Hydrogen Europe, as well as the European Commission and Clean Hydrogen partnership program officers.”

The appointment is an extension of the one that took place in 2020. Luigi Crema is also vice president of H2IT, the Italian Association of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells.

Read the press release at this link.

MAY 20, 2022

Hydrogen is an essential component of a net zero energy system and has a key role to play in decarbonising sectors that are difficult to electrify, such as heavy industry and long-haul transport. Vast green hydrogen potential exists around the world. However, the potential within specific countries or regions depends on the land available.

This report estimates the potential for green hydrogen production as a function of land availability, considering exclusion zones such as protected areas, forests, wetlands, urban centres, slope and water scarcity. It forms part of a series of three reports focusing on global hydrogen trade in a 1.5°C scenario in 2050.

MAY 10, 2022

Crema discusses with Sciasia the European plan to cut the EU’s dependence on Russian gas by two-thirds this year. Energy storage, increase in renewable sources and the use of hydrogen as energy vector are presented as main solutions. The Italian PNRR is also discussed, presenting the opportunities for Italy to increase energy resilience and decrease dependence on foreign import.

The podcast is part of the new FBK series on current issues, seen through the expert and multidisciplinary eye of FBK Researchers and the wide range of experts who are in close connection with a reality such as the Foundation on a daily basis. They are the protagonists of the “background” of Science, they work on the great issues that impact on the life of anyone of us.

To listen to the podcast, click here. 

NOVEMBER 24, 2021

The international workshop is part of the plan of the Slovenian six-month EU's presidency. It saw the participation of the governor of Fvg Region Fedriga and high representatives of the Slovenian and Croatian governments, leading companies, and institutions. The workshop is the first step towards the potential creation of a 'North Adriatic transnational hydrogen valley' across Italy, Slovenia, and Croatia. This area would be the first example of a hydrogen-based project involving several countries. To read the programme of the event, click here.  

NOVEMBER 22, 2021

In HyUSPRe, a consortium of 7 research partners and 10 industry partners, coordinated by TNO, will work together to establish the feasibility and potential of implementing large-scale storage of renewable hydrogen in porous reservoirs in Europe. The HyUSPRe project researches the feasibility and potential of implementing large-scale storage of renewable hydrogen in porous reservoirs in Europe. 

OCTOBER 28, 2021

FBK-SE Director Crema co-chairs with G.Monteleone (ENEA) the key event "The national hydrogen supply chains: perspectives and development opportunities" at the Key Energy conference in Rimini. Key Energy is a leading international exhibition and conference showcasing technologies, services and integrated solutions that promote and accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral economy.  

To read the programme of the event, click here

OCTOBER 20, 2021

The latest article on hydrogen storage authored by M. Testi and L. Crema has been published on the October newsletter of "Rinergia". The article (in Italian) reports the role of hydrogen storage in the decarbonization challenge and the main technological solutions currently available.

To read the original article, click here.

OCTOBER 14, 2021

An ambitious endeavor tackled through a novel approach developed by FBK: the coupling of a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) with a smart energy systems simulation software (EnergyPLAN). FBK and SRI assess 10000 scenarios and related outcomes (in terms of annual emissions and costs) based on the optimal penetration mix of 22 energy technologies in the electrical, thermal, hydrogen feedstock and transport demand of Sonatrach Raffineria Italiana. The analysis sets the optimal sustainability scenario for the future of the refinery sector. 

September 23, 2021

Infrastructures can historically be best understood as the result of processes of negotiation and collective compromise.  The conference will use an interdisciplinary approach to discuss the present and future challenges in the realisation of new infrastructure.

Register here:

September 9, 2021

Bureau Veritas and FBK-SE organize a free webinar on hydrogen. We will discuss the economic and environmental opportunities that hydrogen can offer. The new technologies and applications for hydrogen production and use will be presented.  

Register here:

June 3, 2021

Luigi Crema, Director of the SE Center, talks with Massimo Sideri, editorialist of the Corriere della Sera, on the future challenges and opportunities for hydrogen in Europe and in Italy.

May 20, 2021

ENEA and FBK-SE signed a three-year agreement to conduct joint R&D for innovative solutions to support the energy transition in Italy.