News and Events of the Center for Sustainable Energy
In this page it is possible to find the latest news related to events organised by the Center SE, presentations given in conferences by the researchers and scientific articles published.
18 MARCH 2025
Luigi Crema in the Advisory Board of H2START Project
Last week, Luigi Crema participated in the launch of H2START project in Stara Zagora in Bulgaria. Our Director and Hydrogen Europe Research President participated in the High-Level Panel Discussion "Collaborating for Education, Research, Innovation, Policy and Regional Transformation" with
Ivan Popov, Executive Director of the Executive Agency "Programme for Education"
Daria Vladikova, H2START Scientific Coordinator
Mariachiara Zanetti, Vice-Rector of the Politecnico di Torino
Julian Popov, Bulgaria Former Minister of Environment
Within H2START project, a Centre of Excellence for renewable hydrogen production will be established in Stara Zagora, whose purpose is to promote the development of innovative technology for clean hydrogen production and use.
Among the partners of the project there are Trakia University in Stara Zagora, the Bulgarian Hydrogen, Fuel Cell and Energy Storage Association, and the Italian Politecnico di Torino and Nicola Giordano Institute of Advanced Technologies for Energy.
The project is funded with EUR 15 million under the Horizon Europe Programme and national co-financing.
Luigi Crema is also among the members of the Advisory Board of the H2START.
On the possible strong link with the Hydrogen Cluster that is being established in Rovereto, Luigi reports "I'm really proud to support H2START as a member of the advisory board. This is an excellent occasion for Bulgaria to develop a wide infrastructure of research and innovation on hydrogen with European impact. We will open a dialogue to collaborate between our territories, Stara Zagora and Trento, and support the competitiveness of the European hydrogen sector."
Articles about the project
"Centre of Excellence for Renewable Hydrogen Production to Be Established in Stara Zagora":
"The European Commission "Is Proud" to Support Hydrogen Centre of Excellence in Stara Zagora":
14 MARCH 2025
Gloria Gottardi program committee member and session chair at the international conference “ALD FOR INDUSTRY”
Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) is a highly precise thin-film deposition technique that allows the creation of ultra-thin, conformal coatings at the atomic level. By alternately introducing gaseous precursors, the process ensures that each layer is deposited one atomic layer at a time, allowing for exceptional control over film thickness and uniformity. This makes ALD particularly useful for applications requiring high precision, such as in the semiconductor industry, coatings for energy devices, and nano-materials fabrication.
For these reasons, it is increasingly used in next-generation batteries - where it enables the deposition of thin, uniform layers on electrodes to enhance performance, cycle life, and stability - and in hydrogen production technologies, where ALD plays a critical role in creating precise catalytic surfaces for water splitting reactions, improving efficiency and durability in renewable energy applications.
Every year, the European Society of Thin Films (EFDS) organizes an annual event called “ALD FOR INDUSTRY”. Last week, on March 11-12 the 8th edition of this International Conference took place in Dresden. Established since 2017, the event attracts annually more than 100 participants and aims at bridging the gap between fundamental science, industrialization and commercialization of this technology.
Our Advisor for Advanced Materials and Researcher Gloria Gottardi was among the program committee members of the event and served also as chair during the conference sessions.
With her, there was also our researcher Sandro Zorzi, who attended the conference and had the chance to deepen the knowledge about ALD through the interesting tutorial sessions held by the main experts in the field at international level.
Read more on:
Check the programme:

6 MARCH 2025
The European Commission awards the SYRIUS project: A step forward for hydrogen in steelmaking
EU CORE Consulting and Politecnico di Milano officially launched the Horizon Europe SYRIUS project, “SOEC HYDROGEN INTEGRATION AND CIRCULAR USE IN STEELMAKING PROCESS”, during the Kick-off Meeting hosted on 26th and 27th of February by the project partner Acciai Speciali Terni Spa.
Our researchers Elena Crespi and Michele Bolognese participated in the meeting. "The main objective of the project is to demonstrate how the integration of a solid oxide electrolysis system within a steel mill can contribute to the decarbonization of steel production." explains Elena Crespi "FBK's activity, linked to the modeling and simulation of the dynamic behavior of the system, will contribute to the optimization of the electrolyzer's operating strategy, an important aspect in minimizing operating costs and degradation."
What makes SYRIUS a turning point?
With € 10 million grant and less than five years’ timeline, SYRIUS will contribute to support the steel sector by demonstrating the integration of a 4.2 MWel Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell (SOEC) into a real Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) plant. This SOEC will produce 100 kg/h of green hydrogen, which will contribute to feeding a fuel flexible 280 tsteel/h - 84 MWth slab reheating furnace.
The electrolyser will be operated synergically with the furnace, the hydrogen storage, the steel plant shiftable/sheddable loads and two virtually aggregated solar PV plants, all managed by an advanced Energy Management System (EMS).
This action will demonstrate operational flexibility and high efficiency of SOEC electrolysers and the CO2 savings achievable by substituting fossil fuels with hydrogen and optimally operating a PV-based steel plant.
SYRIUS also sets industrial circularity at the project core by generating steam for the SOEC through furnace off-gas heat recovery, implementing by-product oxygen recovery in the furnace and analysing options for water recycling.
The action is expected to reduce the steel reheating process CO2 emissions by 5,600 tonnes per year during the project.
Turning innovation into impact
The SYRIUS innovative concept will be demonstrated at a steel plant in Terni, operated by Acciai Speciali Terni (AST), a key player in Europe’s stainless-steel sector. With more than 1,000 tonnes of stainless and specialty steel produced per year, this site provides the ideal setting for validating hydrogen integration in real conditions of steelmaking industry. By deploying a high-temperature electrolyser system in the operational environment, SYRIUS will showcase SOEC, waste heat recovery, and advanced energy management working together to reduce emissions and improve process efficiency. The pilot plant will showcase the practical feasibility of SOEC electrolysis in a steel production environment while laying the foundation for broader industrial adoption, delivering tangible scientific, social, and economic benefits, including:
increase energy security and flexibility in industrial operations;
reference model for the EU hydrogen market, thanks to the features of its ground-breaking hydrogen production and process integration technology;
improved energy efficiency with potential to recover more than 2,5 TWh/y of useful heat when extended to a projected share of the global steel industry, and circularity promoted;
significant CO2 savings, with the potential to exceed 11 Mt per year in the same scenario of technology scale-up in the steel industry;
job creation and upskilling.
The SYRIUS technical novelties will be supported by a viable business case focused on process integration creating ready-to-adopt solutions and expanding market opportunities in the short to medium term. By demonstrating the feasibility of SYRIUS concept in a working steel plant, the project will pave the way for broader industrial adoption. EMS will coordinate hydrogen production, storage, and use, ensuring efficient and flexible operations.
As a result, SYRIUS will significantly contribute to EU policies and initiatives in consideration of the role that hydrogen is expected to play in filling the gap between electrification and hard-to-abate sectors, perfectly aligning with the 2050 climate neutrality goals of the European Green Deal.
Fondazione Bruno Kessler will enrich the consortium with the multidisciplinary expertise of the Center for Sustainable Energy, which will focus on technical activities mainly related to the development of a dynamic model of the plant and of a digital twin of the SOEC system, and will lead the activities on the dissemination of research results.
Matteo Testi, Head of HyRES Unit outlined that "FBK is ready to contribute expertise to the SYRIUS project, which aims to integrate SOE electrolyzers within steel manufacturing sites. This is a critical step in decarbonizing hard-to-abate sectors. FBK-HYRES is ready to advance the integration of hydrogen technologies to drive sustainable practices within the steel industry and promote the importance of dynamic simulation and advanced control in this sector."
Read the press release in English at this link
Read the press release in Italian at this link
5 MARCH 2025
Emanuele M. Groiss presents a poster at ENGINE2025
During the last week of February, the fourth edition of the grEnoble eNerGy conversIoN & storagE (ENGINE2025) school took place in Grenoble.
"It has been a great experience" reported Emanuele Maria Groiss "I had the opportunity to meet high-level and very experienced professors and colleagues, with whom I hope to collaborate in the future".
The school offered a theoretical and practical training related to electrochemistry for energy applications across all relevant length scales (from local to bulk) and considering their reuses. The school focused on the understanding and analysis of selected Key Enabling Technologies, namely:
Anion & Proton exchange membrane fuel cells
Hydrogen production and storage devices
All-solid-state batteries
For its 4th edition, ENGINE2025 offered courses in electrochemistry, topical and invited seminars from academic and industrial partners, and visits of the ESRF synchrotron X-ray source & ILL neutron reactor with talks from beamline scientists.
Emanuele Maria Groiss, PhD student at the University of Trento / Fondazione Bruno Kessler participated in the school and presented a poster entitled "Iron-glycine precipitation-free electrolyte for Redox Flow Batteries".
More information on the school:
Representative of the COMMUNITAS Consortium (Source: COMMUNITAS Project)
28 FEBRUARY 2025
Gionata Luca presents the pilot site of Valle di Primiero to COMMUNITAS Consortium
From 18 to 20 February 2025, our researcher Gionata Luca was in Crevillente (Spain) to participate in the General Assembly of COMMUNITAS Project where he represented the leading pilot site of Valle di Primiero.
The meeting gathered all the representatives of the pilot sites who presented the current status. Among them, Gionata presented the current situation in the Italian pilot site and all the updates that have occurred in these first two years of the project, which started in January 2023. Starting with a brief overview of the history of the pilot site, Gioanta then focused on all the installations of renewable energy plants that have led it to be a 100% renewable territory.
Throughout 2024 many steps were taken within the project, including a part of social engagement for the involvement of citizens and transfer of knowledge on the topic of energy communities, collaboration with the project partners for the development of COMMUNITAS tools, management and sharing of Primiero data and the installation of devices such as smart meters for the control of consumption within some homes that are part of the project, with the aim of optimizing the use of energy by citizens.
But, what is next? There are some crucial steps to be taken in 2025. In fact, it is now time for the deployment and demonstration of COMMUNITAS tools within the Primiero pilot site: the energy resource planner, power grid evaluator and optimizer, and demand response tool.
Stay tuned!
13 FEBRUARY 2025
The first Italian hydrogen train has arrived at the new maintenance and refueling plant in Rovato!
The Center for Sustainable Energy of FBK couldn't missed the event!
Our Director and Vice-President of H2IT Luigi Crema, with the researchers Simone Zottele and Alberto Vacilotto participated in the visit organized by Alstom Group which was held today.
The convoy arrived recently in the Brescia area from the test circuit of the Alstom site in Germany. Built by FERROVIENORD and equipped with cutting-edge equipment, the Rovato plant will be the first Italian depot specifically designed and built for the maintenance of hydrogen trains, and the first plant for refueling hydrogen for trains.
The train was built in the context of the H2iseO project, which aims to create the first Italian Hydrogen Valley in the Brescia area.
Promoted by FNM, FERROVIENORD and Trenord, with the involvement of SAPIO as a hydrogen supplier, the H2iseO project has the objective of developing an economic and industrial hydrogen supply chain in Valcamonica, starting from the mobility sector, contributing to the decarbonisation of a significant part of local public transport. This is a highly innovative project, which involves, among other things, the construction of 3 hydrogen production, storage and distribution plants (in Brescia, Iseo and Edolo), as well as the train maintenance and refueling plant in Rovato.
11 FEBRUARY 2025
HERMES launched!
Last 21st of January, Luca Pratticò and Matteo Testi attended the kickoff meeting of the HERMES project in Bilbao (Spain).
HERMES is developing next-generation membrane technologies to make hydrogen purification more efficient and cost-effective. By tackling energy consumption and scalability, we're helping hydrogen become a cornerstone of industrial sustainability. With 7 partners from 4 countries, we're advancing hydrogen separation and purification technologies through cutting-edge membrane innovations.
FBK will support the consortium in conducting a preliminary hazard analysis of the two prototypes of the project, analyzing preventively the safety of these systems during the design phase. Furthermore, FBK will conduct a performance analysis of the membranes regarding economic and sustainability aspects. A complete techno-economic assessment of the purification and separation system for hydrogen will be carried out. Moreover, the two systems will be evaluated for the whole life cycle in terms of sustainability.
Luca Pratticò reported that "the kick-off meeting of the HERMES project managed by H2site was an exciting experience, meeting all the partners and visiting the H2site production sites with their advanced membrane technology that is essential for hydrogen ecosystems".
"We are excited to be part of the HERMES project, which is crucial for unlocking the full potential of hydrogen as a clean energy carrier," said Matteo Testi, head of the HYRES unit in FBK. "Purification with compression and metrology is considered a key enabling technology for deploying the hydrogen economy, contributing to ensuring a reliable connection in the overall H2 supply chains".
Have a look at the video at this link
Launch event of the HI2 Valley - 3.02.2025 - Graz, Austria (Source: International Cleantech Network/HI2 Valley)
Representative of the HI2 Valley Consortium (Source: International Cleantech Network/HI2 Valley)
FBK at the Kick-off of Europe's First Hydrogen Valley for Industry!
On February 3, Europe's first hydrogen valley focused on industrial applications in Styria, Upper Austria, and Carinthia was launched. With 48 national and international partners, the project is set to invest €588 million by 2030 to drive decarbonization and strengthen the leadership in hydrogen research.
The HI2 Valley project will establish a large-scale renewable hydrogen (H2) economy in the Austrian industrial regions of Upper Austria, Styria and Carinthia, directly contributing to the goals outlined in the European Green Deal, REPower EU and Hydrogen Strategy. The project will achieve this by decarbonising key sectors through H2, drastically reducing emissions in the steel, chemical, and cement industries as well as in energy and mobility via displacement of fossil fuels – including reducing the reliance on natural gas which Austria overwhelmingly imports from Russia.
With 13,000 tons of green hydrogen being needed in the regions by 2028, over 10,000 tpy of green hydrogen will be produced within this HI2 Valley. By introducing strategically placed, decentralised H2 production facilities, the project will strengthen the country's energy resilience and flexibility and create a robust domestic market for green H2.
Key Highlights:
101 MW new electrolysis plants
10,000 tonnes of green hydrogen per year
17 projects covering the entire H2 value chain
The HI2 Valley will play a crucial role in bridging the gap between Southern and Eastern European hydrogen supply corridors. Being embedded on the European Hydrogen Backbone and TEN-T network and future pipeline connections (PCIs) with Southern Europe and North Africa, the HI2 Valley will seamlessly connect Austria's multi-user H2 ecosystem with neighbouring countries like Germany, Italy and Slovakia, fostering a truly interconnected Central European hydrogen network. This role model helps to secure industrial jobs, and through standardisation and integration brings costs of hydrogen down, creating a green industrial future for Europe.
The HI2 Valley will create 1,000 jobs and contribute significantly to the decarbonization of energy-intensive industries. Going beyond its immediate neighbours, the HI2 Valley will also foster knowledge sharing and wider adoption of green hydrogen through the active collaboration with five other emerging Hydrogen Valleys in Eastern Europe in Poland, Romania, Hungary, Latvia, and the Czech Republic.
The involvement of FBK
FBK, through the Center for Sustainable Energy, will lead the package of activities called "Scaling Up and Replication" and which focuses on expanding hydrogen production and utilization within Austria towards 2040, replicating the hydrogen valley model in other European countries, and establishing international hydrogen valley interconnections. Additionally, FBK is responsible for monitoring Greenhous Gas (GHG) emissions and managing Guarantees of Origin (GOs).
The Center SE will also be involved in the development of the digital twin, as well as safety planning and management. Last but not least, FBK plays a key role in environmental impact assessments, including Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost (LCC), while working to enhance the resource efficiency of the Hydrogen Valley.
The researcher Yasaman Nosrat Tajoddin participated in the launch of the project together with the Head of HyRES Unit Matteo Testi who reports that "FBK is thrilled to be part of the HI2 project, a crucial step towards realizing the potential of hydrogen as a clean energy carrier. We are confident that our contributions will be essential in overcoming technical challenges and accelerating the deployment of hydrogen technologies."
The project is supported by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership and its members.
REMEDHYS kick off meeting, 22-23.01.2025, Norway (Source: IFE)
REMEDHYS concept (Source: IFE)
30 JANUARY 2025
REMEDHYS Project kicks off to revolutionize hydrogen storage
The REMEDHYS project, a bold initiative to reshape hydrogen storage technology, officially begins on 22 January 2025 in Norway. This innovative project will develop solid-state hydrogen storage solutions using metal hydrides, providing a compact, safe, and sustainable alternative to traditional compressed and liquid hydrogen methods.
REMEDHYS (Recycled Metals for Aboveground Hydrogen Storage) focuses on solid-state hydrogen storage using metal hydrides (MHs). This technology chemically binds hydrogen to metals, enabling storage of hydrogen at low pressure (<50 bar) and ambient temperature, ensuring enhanced safety while minimizing infrastructure requirements. By using recycled metals sourced within Europe, REMEDHYS also supports the EU’s push for circular economy practices and reduced reliance on imported raw materials.
“REMEDHYS is an exciting step forward in sustainable hydrogen storage. We’re bringing innovative technology to the market while aligning with Europe’s climate goals,” says Stefano Deledda, Project Coordinator.
Compared to traditional compressed or liquefied hydrogen storage, the MH approach offers significant advantages:
Enhanced safety by reducing risks of sudden hydrogen release.
Improved efficiency through integration with waste heat sources.
Smaller footprint with reduced safety distances and infrastructure requirements.
The use of recycled starting materials for the production of the hydrogen storing alloys is expected to significantly reduce the investments costs of hydrogen storage units based on MHs, making them competitive with compressed and liquid hydrogen storage technologies.
Real-World Impact and Applications
The project aims to demonstrate the feasibility of large-scale aboveground hydrogen storage for diverse markets, including transportation and industrial applications. By showcasing its modular and scalable technology, REMEDHYS will support Europe’s transition to renewable energy while reducing reliance on imported raw materials.
Real-World Validation in Cuxhaven, Germany
The project’s modular hydrogen storage system, with a capacity of 100 kg and a density of 40 kgH₂/m³, will be validated at an operational hydrogen production site in Cuxhaven. It will be integrated with a 2 MW PEM electrolyzer, supplying hydrogen to the Coastal Liberty, an offshore service vessel. This large-scale demonstration will establish the system’s viability for broader applications, including ports, heavy transport, and industrial use.
Collaboration and Expertise
REMEDHYS is a collaboration of top-tier European research institutions and industry leaders. The consortium includes four research centers (IFE, HEREON, CNRS, FBK), two universities (UNITO, UPEC), and four industrial partners (POMETON, SMAB, METHYDOR, INGENION). Together, they bring expertise in chemistry, engineering, and energy systems to deliver innovative solutions for hydrogen storage.
The involvement of FBK
"The Kick off meeting of the REMEDHYS project, managed by the Norwegian partners IFE, was an exciting experience" says the researcher Michele Bolognese, who continues explaining the role of FBK in the project and reports that "FBK will actively participate in Work Package 8, which focuses on system design and specifications. This project, which directly follows the HyCARE project on Metal Hydride (MH) Hydrogen storage, will personally offer a great opportunity to engage in discussions on steady-state and dynamic simulation activities for optimizing the control strategy of the MH Balance of Plant coupled with 2 PEM electrolyzers in Cuxhaven".
In the meeting participated also the Head of HyRES Unit Matteo Testi, who underlines that "the HyRES unit is glad to be part of this novel R&D activity on hydrogen storage, particularly metal hydride, which is an active research line in the Sustainable Energy Centre" and outlines that "metal hydride technology will play a relevant role in the overall supply chain of H2, supporting a reduction of cost and of the plant's complexity and guaranteeing a strong European leadership on the topic".
Link to the Coordinator's website:
Press release at this link
REMEDHYS Project has received funding from the European Union Horizon Europe Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No. 101192503. The project is supported by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership and its members.
27 JANUARY 2025
Luigi Crema at the EU-Italy Energy Days
From 23 to 24 January 2025, the 2nd edition of this International Symposium entitled "How to Achieve Near-Zero Emissions by 2050" took place at Castello del Valentino, in Turin. The program featured international experts from academia, industry and policymakers in critical discussions on topical issues, such as nuclear energy, hydrogen and CCS technologies, alternative fuels for transportation and renewable energy.
Our Director participated in the event as invited speakers, in his role of H2IT Vice-President. Luigi Crema took part in the discussion on the implementation of the National Hydrogen Strategy in Italy and on the development of synergies between the Hydrogen and CCS sectors in Italy in the Roundtable Nr. 2 Implementation of National Hydrogen and CCS Strategies.
More information:
21 JANUARY 2025
Luigi Crema at JUST-GREEN AFRH2ICA Stakeholders' Event
JUST GREEN AFRH2ICA is a Clean Hydrogen Partnership project that aims to develop a Green Hydrogen Just Transition Roadmap that would make African-European transition pathways to H2 synergic, sustainable and avoiding any “Africa hydrogen colonization”, but promoting a mutual benefit collaboration of the two continents towards the development of independent and collaborative hydrogen economies, R&D ecosystem and value chains.
Africa has a unique potential to exploit low cost renewable energy to produce green hydrogen for domestic and external markets. Green Hydrogen could become indeed the booster of a sustainable development of the continent, enabling African countries to reduce their environmental impact as well as to make them less dependent to fossil fuels which can create geopolitical issues too. African green hydrogen development could be helpful for European hydrogen transition, that’s why it’s important that both EU and AU hydrogen policies and development roadmaps are conceived in a cross-fertilizing way.
On January 15 and 16, the project organised in Rabat (Morocco) the final events of the project:
a Training event which is an important opportunity to share knowledge, develop new skills and stimulate in-depth reflection on various topics, thanks to the participation of industry experts who will discuss the latest trends, technologies and applications of green hydrogen.
a Stakeholder event where local, national and EU authorities discussed with stakeholders from the private sector on the importance of a strategy for the collaboration between Italy, Europe and Africa when creating a hydrogen market.
More on the project:
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